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Welcome to the SEA media room, a place showcasing the most current media coverage about MCAT administration and how the pandemic has impacted medical education and training. News on our efforts is accessible in the articles and features below!

If you are a journalist interested in student advocacy, please find our press kit here.

News: News and Updates
OHSU student Mollie Marr pictured in front of a whiteboard with a MacBook in hand

March 12, 2021

The MCAT is constantly touted as a necessary exam to assess for medical school preparedness. But medical school faculty members are now calling the MCAT a financial and social barrier, preventing passionate students from becoming physicians. Alan Yu lays out the pros and cons of the MCAT and asks the question: is the exam as beneficial as the AAMC says it is to gauging student success as future physicians?

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Physicians and medical organizations called for waiving the MCAT for the 2021 admissions cycle. As a result, a handful of schools went MCAT-optional or MCAT-blind for their admissions processes.

July 15, 2020

August 5, 2020

August 7, 2020

August 8, 2020

July 20, 2020

July 9, 2020


July 22, 2020

News: News and Updates
Image by Nguyen Dang Hoang Nhu


Spring 2020: AAMC cancels MCAT exams nationwide at the start of the pandemic. 

Summer 2020: AAMC attempts to reschedule MCAT exams. Some of those who were successfully able to register contracted COVID, calling into question the safety of in-person exam administration. Cue the struggle between countless premed students and AAMC for equity in academia. 

Winter 2021: The pandemic rages on, but in-person MCAT administration continues.

As AAMC continues to put countless students at risk of contracting COVID-19, we continue to fight. Read more about our most current efforts below.

September 3, 2020

October 20, 2020

May 18, 2020

July 10, 2020

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Our campaign to #WaiveTheMCAT started on Twitter, but rapidly expanded nationwide. We are fortunate to have been featured on many platforms, including national news and podcasts. Find our special appearances here!

News: News and Updates
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